
Instead of keeping goals pent up in your head, try writing them down. Then try telling the world about the goal to keep you honest and on track! Rereading the list later is a great refresher and motivator. Keep the goals concrete and measurable when you create them. (Be able to do this skill three times in a row and hold it for five seconds, for example, instead of just "do this skill). Taking group classes? Keep your goals in mind and add them to your work during the class (See my recommendations for how to get the most out of class in this post, "How to Take a Dance Class")

Here is a list I wrote down a few weeks ago. I can't wait for the satisfying feeling of crossing some items off the list.

Goals of Kimberly

Constant awareness of balletic posture, esp while sitting.
Always be stretching or strengthening. Lacrosse ball.
-Do handstand wall walks and and handstand pike/arch on wall every time I am at Polearity to improve shoulder strength


better balance and constant leg/knee flexion in zouk, wider stance
Feel as on balance and elegant social dancing in high heels as flats
Nail every time it is led competently one footed spins in zouk (hold that arm! At a strong diagonal right in front of me. Do not let it cross or open too much. close chest and pelvis, go with the lead, hand more open half moon and stable).
Ability to sensitively and dynamically follow crazy fast stuff T&L style
Better hollowness sensitivity more of the time. Not stretching legs in raul.
get better at figure 8 backwards
Train off axis exits
Train travelling vs on the spot roast chickens
Train wifi. closing of chest and opening diagonal vs roast chicken
Be people’s favorite while doing all these technique things


Achieve consistently effortless double pirouettes in ballet with occasional triples (3 times in a row).
Stretch feet for a better point
Wear pointe shoes again one day and be better at it than when I was half my age
Extensions all above 90 Degrees.
Reach goal: Extensions at head level in all directions


Get squarer splits (hip flexors and hamstrings)
Completely flat middle splits
stretch and strengthen back
Touch my feet to my head backwards using active flexibility
Bridge with hands touching feet
Camel with head touching feet
Reach goal: Oversplits, all directions


Be able to hold for 5 seconds 3 times in a row, or achieve cleanly 3x in a row
Chest stand
Forearm stand
Scorpion in forearm stand.
Handstand as needle
Handstand in split
Back roll into shoulder stand
Cleaner front walkovers
Cleaner back walkovers
Back walkovers on one leg with splitty legs
Death Drop like from voguing
Reach goal: handstand press.
do the acro yoga things i see on ig with Mahina Hong. create and perform a cool acro contemporary piece.


Be able to do 3 times in a row both sides. If a pose, holding for 3 seconds
Reach my foot while in janeiro
Deadlift handsprings
Elbow grip ayesha
Iron X
Caterpillar climb gracefully
Bird of paradise


be able to create good dancers. be able to train a group of people into in sync choreography-performing dancers of a decent level. improve people's bodies and confidence and the way they interact with themselves and the world through dance.

What else can you do?

Keep your goals in mind and add them to your work during the class. See my recommendations for how to get the most out of your classes in my post, "How to Take a Dance Class"

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How to Take a Dance Class

I’ve noticed a big difference between the culture and the mindset of the students in adult drop in ballet classes and the adult drop in ...